By: 25 September 2015
28 August – 2 September 2016 WFSA World Congress of Anesthesiologists 2016

28 August – 2 September 2016 World Congress of Anesthesiologists 2016

David Wilkinson, President of World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA), said: “This will be the 16th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists and will be organised by the Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong on behalf of the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists. The Hong Kong Congress Organising Committee is chaired by Professor Mike Irwin and he and his team are busy creating a truly memorable experience for all those who attend.

“The Scientific Programme, as overseen by Tony Gin, will be very innovative and will include plenty of interactions through workshops, PBLs and poster sessions as well as lectures from opinion leaders from around the world. Look out for the Humanities track which will include music, art, ethics as well as history. As well as all of the anaesthesiological updates there will be a vast trade exhibition all of which will be housed in a purpose built modern conference centre overlooking the busy Hong Kong waterways.

“Attendance in Hong Kong will allow a very special cultural experience as well. Food, language, customs, architecture and religion are diverse and fascinating and are set in one of the most beautiful harbour situations in the whole of Asia. Many people suggest that there is a lower need to attend such meetings nowadays as information can be taken from journals, podcasts, websites etc. etc. Nothing could be farther from the truth in my view. To sit and have coffee with a colleague from Togo where the anaesthesia mortality may be greater than 1:150 together with someone from the Mayo Clinic and another from Tirana in Albania and another from Tegucigalpa in Honduras cannot be replicated by any other means. Friendships are made which last lifetimes and new ideas can invigorate jaded minds to spur on new research or bring back new methods to colleagues at home.

“I look forward to welcoming you to Hong Kong in August 2016. Start to make your plans now. Look at the opportunities within this Preliminary Programme and come and augment the Congress with your ideas and enthusiasm. I hope we will meet there.”

Venue: Hong Kong

