By: 17 February 2015
King’s Fund quarterly report highlights mounting pressures

King’s Fund quarterly report highlights mounting pressures

Responding to The King’s Fund quarterly report, which found pressures on hospitals are spreading beyond A&E, with waiting times rising and more operations being cancelled and that trust finance directors identified staff morale as their top concern, alongside A&E waiting times, Dr Mark Porter, BMA council chair, said:

“What’s happening in our emergency departments is directly linked to and reflective of wider pressures across the NHS. Every part of the system – from general practice, to hospitals, to community care – is struggling to keep up with demand, leaving some patients facing unacceptable delays for treatment. In some cases, this means patients who have been waiting weeks or months for treatment having their operation cancelled as they are about to be taken to theatre.

“That staff morale continues to be a greater concern for managers than the dire financial circumstances facing hospitals really underscores just how challenging conditions are for front-line NHS staff and should serve as a real wake-up call.”

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