By: 14 August 2019
Temperature management expertise from Central Medical Supplies

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Central Medical Supplies Ltd (CMS) offers a wide range of temperature management products, from a number of different companies, which continue to be available via the NHS Supply Chain Patient Temperature Management framework. CMS has extensive temperature management expertise and has worked for a number of years with the leading companies in patient warming.

CMS is the sole UK distributor for The 37Company, which manufactures a range of blood and fluid warmers, along with convective warming products. The 37Company offers a complete range of innovative solutions for patient temperature management. Products include the Fluido® AirGuard blood and fluid warmer system, which combines fluid warming with safety and speed, and Fluido® Compact, a coated device for daily blood and fluid warming. Fluido® Compact is an easy to use, accurate, safe and cost-effective system. The 37Company also produces the Mistral-Air® Premium Warming Blanket and the Mistral-Air® Premium Warming Suit.

CMS has been working with Kanmed for more than twenty five years and is the exclusive UK distributor for the company’s products. A Swedish company specialising in patient warming products, Kanmed produces a range of cabinets used for warming intravenous fluids, dialysis and irrigation fluids, gel positioning equipment and blankets.

Enthermics is a pioneering company in the patient warming arena and CMS has been the UK distributor of Enthermics warming equipment for over fifteen years. Enthermics fluid warmers are designed to maintain precise temperatures of injection fluids, irrigation fluids and blankets. The company’s ivNow® modular fluid warmers warm fluids when and where they are needed. Enthermics’ Titan blanket warmers quickly and efficiently heat blankets to precise temperatures using WarmSafe™ zone heating technology.

CMS also works with Biegler, which produces high performance, microprocessor-controlled devices. These devices are used for warming infusions and transfusions to prevent intraoperative and postoperative hypothermia.

Patient warming is not just about providing comfort. Preventing inadvertent perioperative hypothermia can help to reduce surgical site infections, the length of hospital stays and the cost per patient.


Tracey Pavier-Grant, Sales Director at Central Medical Supplies, says: “Being the UK distributor for a number of temperature management brands means we can offer healthcare providers a wider range of options than just products from one company. Working with hospital trusts, we use our expertise in the area of temperature management to find the right solution for the needs of different patients.”

For more information on temperature management products, and to discuss specific requirements, contact Tracey Pavier-Grant, Sales Director at Central Medical Supplies, on 01538 392 596 or email Further details of temperature management products are available by visiting the CMS website at