By: 15 June 2017


Dr Achuthan Sajayan is a Consultant Anaesthetist at University Hospital, Birmingham, with interests in difficult airway management, obstetrics and regional anaesthesia. Dr Sajayan qualified in 1992 and completed his anaesthetic training in India, Manchester and West Midlands. He is currently holding the following positions in national societies and other organisations:

  • Difficult Airway Society UK– Co-Lead for National Difficult Airway Database and Alert Card project
  • Course director, Coventry Adult Transfer (CAT) course – since 2013
  • Regular faculty at national and international anaesthesia courses including RCoA Airway Workshops, Coventry Anaesthesia courses, Guy’s Hospital Airway Course and Kings College Airway Course.
  • Conference Director of Airway Society Kochi (ASK), India- Advanced Airway Management Conferences and Workshops- since 2017
  • GMC Associate since 2018
  • National Vice Chair (Communications) of BAPIO, a professional supporting organisation for International Medical Graduates

Sajayan has had articles published in several journals including JAP, BJA, IJOA and Journal of Anaesthesiology and Clinical Pharmacology.