By: 14 April 2015
The ABC of Maxillofacial care

The ABC of Maxillofacial care

Developing a standard operating procedure for the care of maxillofacial oncology patients on the intensive care unit – a trainee’s perspective from Sindy Lee

The role of the General Medical Council (GMC) as the regulator of medical practitioners is confirmed in statute by the Medical Act 1983 and its subsequent revisions [1]. The Medical Act empowers the GMC to maintain a register of approved practitioners, and to take disciplinary action against the registration of those who have failed to maintain appropriate standards, as well as governing other duties such as those related to education and standard setting.
Maxillofacial oncology patients undergo major, lengthy surgery, which is extensive and involves changes to the anatomy of the upper airway and digestive tract, as well as the use of free tissue transfer flaps with microvascular anastomoses [1].
Postoperative care of this group of patients presents many challenges, including…

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