By: 18 January 2023
10-11 June 2023, OLYMPIC SALAD airway course; Amsterdam

OLYMPIC SALAD is a unique, engaging, interactive, and collaborative 2-day training course designed to teach fundamental airway management concepts and skills.

Date: 10 + 11 June 2023

In collaboration with INTUBATI EM

Venue Olympic Stadium Amsterdam

View program here

Target audience: specialist anesthesiologists or AIOS / trainees, intensivists, pulmonologists, emergency physicians, paramedics, HEMS physicians

Learning objectives: This course from the Airway Management Academy will guide participants through the management of the basic and advanced airways in the emergency department sessions. Through hands-on skills stations and small group cases, simulation and discussions, participants will explore the anatomically and physiological difficult airway and learn techniques to improve airway management in adult and pediatric patients. Participants will learn to plan for anticipated challenging situations and will also learn rescue techniques to manage unexpected airway crises.

Organised at an iconic teaching location: Olympic Stadium Amsterdam. The Advanced Airway Course focuses on advanced airway management techniques using mannequins and simulation to practice on challenging airways, including flexible fiberoptics and video laryngoscopes. We examine airway anatomy using a variety of imaging modalities and discuss emergency/critical care cases involving difficult airway management. We also review rescue ventilation devices, strategies to prevent desaturation and the use of noninvasive ventilation and oxygenation devices.
Specialized and custom-designed airway mannequins provide anatomical variations for hands-on practice with various laryngoscopes, fiberscopes and surgical devices. It details the risks and benefits of RSI versus awake intubation (use of muscle relaxants) in emergency airway situations. This course provides an in-depth look at effective surgical airway management techniques that you will actually use during your next emergency airway. There is an focus on airway anatomy and imaging combined with the unique opportunity to put these techniques into clinical practise.
Topics covered include tracheal intubation, direct and indirect laryngoscopy, surgical airways (cricothyrotomy & tracheotomy), video laryngoscopy, flexible optical intubation, nasotracheal intubation, pediatric intubation, and rescue ventilation devices such as supraglottic airways. Intubation and ventilation techniques and devices are presented within a general practice algorithm for advanced  airways with complexity that is applicable in emergency settings. There is a significant focus on airway assessment with the Airway Triage method, patient safety and a best practice approach to rapid sequence intubation.
  • There is extensive hands-on practice with a wide variety of devices. Unique intubation mannequins and surgical airway models offer anatomic variation and different intubation challenges.
  • Learn the full range of airway management techniques in this 16-hour course.
  • Work with an expert inspirational Faculty that is familiar with the particular challenges facing emergency medicine procedures
  • Use proven airway devices in small group sessions.
  • Practice decision-making and airway techniques.
  • Face the most challenging patient scenarios in a no-risk and safe environment.
  • Increase mastery of high risk airway scenarios with new sessions on the anatomically and physiologically difficult airway.
  • Learn simple, effective airway algorithms for a reproducible approach to any emergency airway.
  • Participate in hands-on sessions exclusively focused on complex advanced and failed airways, emphasizing rescue strategies and devices.
Learning objectives
  • Formulate an overall strategy for different emergency airway situations, emphasizing pre-procedural assessment of the “difficult” airway, indications for nasal and surgical airways and the role of rapid sequence intubation.
  • Apply and understand techniques of laryngoscopy including external laryngeal manipulation, head elevated positioning and paraglossal straight blade technique.
  • Effectively use laryngoscopy adjuncts, including tube stylets and introducers, while understanding the fundamentals of laryngoscopy blade design and selection.
  • Explain the role for and the methods of insertion for rescue ventilation devices including the laryngeal mask airway and tracheal-esophageal Combitube, as well as the means of transitioning from such devices to tracheal tube placement.
  • Describe laryngeal and upper airway anatomy, including the structures concerning the laryngeal inlet and the significance of these anatomic landmarks in terms of laryngoscopy, rescue ventilation and surgical airway techniques.
  • Cite the indications and techniques of emergency surgical airways including retrograde intubation.
The course is tailored to anesthesiologists, emergency physicians but critical care physicians, hospitalists, and respiratory therapy and paramedical personnel responsible for airways will also benefit from this specialized, practical approach.
For more information and to book your place, visit HERE